Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I chose an ad about Mott's Applesauce from US magazine to analyze for this assignment. It displays a happy mother giving her son a piggy back ride while he is holding a tube of Mott's Applesauce To Go. It uses many elements in this ad such as the happy family smiling, bright colors to make it seem even happier, and it pulls at parent's heartstrings by saying that giving your child Mott's is a way to show your children you love them. This ad is selling to parent's and their children, and it promotes the lifestyle of a happy, loving family. The ad basically says in it that if you buy your child this applesauce, it will love you, and your family will be happy.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I just received feedback on my paper and I can already tell that it will be very helpful. I got a lot of helpful information about what is wanted out of the paper, so I can be sure to do it to get the best grade possible. One of the biggest things about my paper I need to work on is identifying, summarizing, and analyzing things better, because it makes the paper more interesting and relatable to the reader. I also need to focus more on myself and less on making broad claims about other people. I lastly need to organize my paper better to demonstrate growth. Hopefully after I do all of this, it will make my paper better overall.