Friday, September 28, 2012

Awkward Family Photos

This photo appears to have a grandfather and his grandchildren having a birthday party. The photo is composed as a group photo, and looks like it was taken in the 80's or 90's. My attention is drawn to the fact that none of the people are smiling in the photo, but they are wearing party hats. I think that the picture is about a party, where everyone took a group photo. My ideas might be influenced by the fact that I am a grandchild, which would make me more understanding of how boring grandparents can be.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Peer Review`

The peer review today went well, I got a lot of helpful feedback that I will definitely utilize. Some of the advice I received was to elaborate on some of the topics I had discussed in my paper. I will definitely do this so that my paper will be stronger and more to the point. He also gave me some positive feedback that will be helpful so that I can be sure to use the same techniques so that my paper is all around better.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Paper Feedback

After having my paper read and reviewed, I was able to see what I needed to work on in order to improve my writing. One area that I will focus on is being sure to explain some of my topics that I discussed in my paper. I briefly explained several of the shows I watched and how they affected me but I didn't go into enough detail on some of my examples. I will be sure to go back after this and check each TV show that I mentioned to see which I can elaborate on in order to get the point across better. I will go about this by analyzing each show individually and how it affected me, instead of just kind of mentioning how it affected me but not going into enough detail. Making these changes will definitely make my paper much stronger and more interesting to the reader. It will also help me practice my writing and analyzing so that I will be an overall better writer.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Feed Back

My partners gave me a lot of great feedback. First, they pointed out a lot of sentences that I messed up so that my paper will flow much nicer. They also gave me some ideas of things to elaborate on to make my paper longer and more thorough. They also told me that my paper was good overall which is good to know so that I can be sure to stick with it. They also said they liked my similes and that they help make the paper more interesting. My paper is going to be about television and how it has influenced me as I have grown up with it. I will be sure to elaborate on certain details much more so that I can be sure to make my point and make the paper more interesting. Some feedback that others received that will help me was to be sure to stay on the point and not stray from that.