Friday, August 31, 2012

John Wayne Love Song

Didion learned many things about what it means to be a man or woman from watching many John Wayne movies and actually meeting him in person. She believed that a man was tough, grizzly, and protective of women. She saw him as the perfect man and actually wanted to marry a man just like him. She also believes that to be a man you must be romantic slightly, and she wanted a man to take her to that same bend in the river where the cottonwoods grow and build her a house. She believed that women should facilitate their man, and make sure they are happy. 

There have been a lot of people that I have seen on the big screen, or on television that have impacted my life. The one person that sticks out to me and has had a profound impact on my life is someone that is quite unknown to most people, his name is Alex Gaskarth. He is the lead singer for a semi-popular pop rock band called All Time Low. He has had a lot of hardships throughout his life and he has managed to make those hardships into songs, which helps other people get through similar problems. One thing he does that really changed me was do several free concerts for several nonprofits such as Invisible Children. He has made me realize how much it means and how important it is to help out everyone else.

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