Monday, November 19, 2012

Gangnam Style

He is walking through a horse barn and then there is a fan blowing on him and two girls. Now he is doing a dance move that looks kind of like he is riding a horse so I think it might have something to do with horses. But he also has a lot of girls in here, so it could be about sexy girls.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Class activity 11-16

For my postsecret activity, I decided for my audience to be for just about everyone that knows who Spiderman is. I chose them because anyone that knows who he is secretly wants his powers because they're awesome. My design is very basic, just a picture of Spiderman in his cool Spiderman stance looking out over the city, and I wrote in plain pen "I wish I was Spiderman". My card is plain but gets the point across clearly. My secret that I wrote might make the person understand why there is a picture of Spiderman on an index card. Also, it makes people think about how bad they want superpowers and they use their imagination.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Peer Review

The peer review we did today in class was very effective in giving me better ideas for my paper. I would say that what we did today was probably the most helpful we've done so far, for me. My partner was helpful in pointing out what I should elaborate more on, and other things that I should include in my paper to make it better overall. Reading her paper also gave me good ideas for things to include in my paper to make it more interesting to the reader, and set a more appropriate tone. Overall I would say that the peer review we used today was the most helpful to me in terms of getting better advice and finding out what I can do to better my paper.

Friday, November 2, 2012


This is a mock ad aimed at countries that have so much excess, while other countries are starving. First you see the skinny african child clearly starving to death, holding out a bowl, and you also see a "got milk?" slogan. I thought this ad was very messed up originally but then I read the tag at the bottom that says "Why are one billion people dying of hunger while another one billion are dying of excess?" and I realized that it actually has an important message to send. It is saying that people need to quit living in excess and spread the wealth.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Class Blogger 10/31

Things we did today
1) Discussed creative writing project we did on class Friday.
3)Start talking about Paper 3

We started class by watching a clip from the TV show "Madmen". We discussed how the clip shows how advertising works, and in this example, love is the theme. Don Draper explains that love is misleading and advertising makes it more appealing than it actually is. 

Then we looked at a beer advertisement and analyzed the audience, and classified it as an add for men in their early to late 20's based on the fact they were still dressed in Halloween costumes. We also analyzed that it was aimed to convince people that it was a special event to buy the beer, not just any other day, because it is Halloween. It is aimed at a more mature audience, specifically older men. 

Then we moved onto another add displaying a picture of an owl holding a flashlight in its face. It is in the way that you hold a flashlight in your face when you tell a scary story, and it is an add for Boo at the Zoo. It is most likely aimed at families because it is at a zoo, and it is somewhat childish, but still spooky. 

Now that we have some practice, we are assigned to find an ad and analyze it like how we did earlier. Some of the things we looked for were the audience, what the ad is selling, what kind of elements does the ad use, and what does the ad make you think will result if you buy the product. We then shared our ad's and our analysis' and moved onto discussing Paper 3. We talked about ads and what are their goals. She then showed us the assignment sheet and we talked about what we need to do on this assignment, and where to begin with this.  

Link for Assignment 3

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I chose an ad about Mott's Applesauce from US magazine to analyze for this assignment. It displays a happy mother giving her son a piggy back ride while he is holding a tube of Mott's Applesauce To Go. It uses many elements in this ad such as the happy family smiling, bright colors to make it seem even happier, and it pulls at parent's heartstrings by saying that giving your child Mott's is a way to show your children you love them. This ad is selling to parent's and their children, and it promotes the lifestyle of a happy, loving family. The ad basically says in it that if you buy your child this applesauce, it will love you, and your family will be happy.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I just received feedback on my paper and I can already tell that it will be very helpful. I got a lot of helpful information about what is wanted out of the paper, so I can be sure to do it to get the best grade possible. One of the biggest things about my paper I need to work on is identifying, summarizing, and analyzing things better, because it makes the paper more interesting and relatable to the reader. I also need to focus more on myself and less on making broad claims about other people. I lastly need to organize my paper better to demonstrate growth. Hopefully after I do all of this, it will make my paper better overall.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Awkward Family Photos

This photo appears to have a grandfather and his grandchildren having a birthday party. The photo is composed as a group photo, and looks like it was taken in the 80's or 90's. My attention is drawn to the fact that none of the people are smiling in the photo, but they are wearing party hats. I think that the picture is about a party, where everyone took a group photo. My ideas might be influenced by the fact that I am a grandchild, which would make me more understanding of how boring grandparents can be.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Peer Review`

The peer review today went well, I got a lot of helpful feedback that I will definitely utilize. Some of the advice I received was to elaborate on some of the topics I had discussed in my paper. I will definitely do this so that my paper will be stronger and more to the point. He also gave me some positive feedback that will be helpful so that I can be sure to use the same techniques so that my paper is all around better.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Paper Feedback

After having my paper read and reviewed, I was able to see what I needed to work on in order to improve my writing. One area that I will focus on is being sure to explain some of my topics that I discussed in my paper. I briefly explained several of the shows I watched and how they affected me but I didn't go into enough detail on some of my examples. I will be sure to go back after this and check each TV show that I mentioned to see which I can elaborate on in order to get the point across better. I will go about this by analyzing each show individually and how it affected me, instead of just kind of mentioning how it affected me but not going into enough detail. Making these changes will definitely make my paper much stronger and more interesting to the reader. It will also help me practice my writing and analyzing so that I will be an overall better writer.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Feed Back

My partners gave me a lot of great feedback. First, they pointed out a lot of sentences that I messed up so that my paper will flow much nicer. They also gave me some ideas of things to elaborate on to make my paper longer and more thorough. They also told me that my paper was good overall which is good to know so that I can be sure to stick with it. They also said they liked my similes and that they help make the paper more interesting. My paper is going to be about television and how it has influenced me as I have grown up with it. I will be sure to elaborate on certain details much more so that I can be sure to make my point and make the paper more interesting. Some feedback that others received that will help me was to be sure to stay on the point and not stray from that. 

Friday, August 31, 2012

John Wayne Love Song

Didion learned many things about what it means to be a man or woman from watching many John Wayne movies and actually meeting him in person. She believed that a man was tough, grizzly, and protective of women. She saw him as the perfect man and actually wanted to marry a man just like him. She also believes that to be a man you must be romantic slightly, and she wanted a man to take her to that same bend in the river where the cottonwoods grow and build her a house. She believed that women should facilitate their man, and make sure they are happy. 

There have been a lot of people that I have seen on the big screen, or on television that have impacted my life. The one person that sticks out to me and has had a profound impact on my life is someone that is quite unknown to most people, his name is Alex Gaskarth. He is the lead singer for a semi-popular pop rock band called All Time Low. He has had a lot of hardships throughout his life and he has managed to make those hardships into songs, which helps other people get through similar problems. One thing he does that really changed me was do several free concerts for several nonprofits such as Invisible Children. He has made me realize how much it means and how important it is to help out everyone else.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Shitty First Draft Writing

I thought it was very interesting how hard it was for authors to write when they first sit down, and how difficult it can be for them to get started writing. I honestly believed that people that were trained or skilled at writing didn’t have to bother with drafting as much as they do. The fact that the key to good writing is to first have an awful first draft is quite ironic. Even though it is ironic, it does make a lot of sense. If you just write down all your thoughts, then you get a chance to sift through all of that and make a good writing out of all the words.

I begin my writing process by first writing down any key points that I want to address during the paper. After I write down anything that comes to mind, I sort through all of the ideas to pick the perfect ones for my paper, or the one’s that make the writing be more fluid. Once I have all my ideas picked out, I begin writing and explain each point. I am sure to touch on all of the points make sure they are clear and well written. After that I read through and edit to make sure it all makes sense. I’m more of a straight forward writer, and I normally don’t try to too creative, I just like for my paper to make sense and be well written.

My writing is a dream catcher because it collects all the thoughts I have throughout the day. I constantly think about random things and they end up in my writing.